Needlepoint bipolar ionization is a process that has been proven to provide clean indoor air. The air is infested with dust, odors, germs, smoke, and disease-causing pathogens such as mold and viruses. These particles are sometimes invisible and are a danger to health. Needlepoint bipolar ionization works by introducing ions in the environment.
The technology mimics the naturally occurring ions present in the environment giving it freshness. The natural ions occur through the energy from sunlight, crashing waves, and running water. These ions constantly work to make sure outdoor air is fresh. Similarly, the technology brings the outdoor freshness indoors.
The best feature and benefit of needlepoint bi-polar ionization
The best feature and benefit of needlepoint bi-polar ionization targets particles. Since coronavirus was declared a global pandemic, the need for fresh indoor air heightened. Coronavirus is a respiratory disease, and thus its virus is harbored mostly in the air like other disease-causing pathogens. The virus particles are too tiny and are not visible, thus posing more danger.
Needlepoint bipolar ionization technology improves indoor air by getting rid of particles and pathogens. As the technology works, the ions it produces collide with particles in the air, which leads to a charge that attracts other particles that are charged oppositely. This process leads to the development of even larger particles captured by the filtration system easily. The process has been tested by an independent laboratory and has been seen to work effectively. It is also safe since it doesn’t produce ozone as a by-product.
Facility owners should consider needlepoint bi-polar ionization
Facility owners should consider needlepoint bi-polar ionization technology to eliminate pathogens. Coronavirus is a disease-causing pathogen with more long-term effects once it infests a facility. It could lead to the closure of the facility for up to fourteen days. This could be not good, especially for business. However, the technology helps in making the indoor clear of the virus. Coronavirus contains a hydrogen ion which is eliminated by the ions produced by needlepoint bipolar ionization technology.
The hydrogen ion in coronavirus helps it survive in the air, ready to infect a new host. The snowball effect of the technology helps get rid of 99 percent of the virus in the air. This technology increases the size of the particles of the virus, making it easier to eradicate from the environment. Also, without the hydrogen ion, it is impossible for the virus to infect a new host.
Needlepoint bipolar ionization has served the purpose of fighting against coronavirus
Needlepoint bipolar ionization has served the purpose of fighting against coronavirus. The virus is the threat that many facilities are facing. Using the technology to clear the air of any dust, pollutants, bacteria, viruses, and other particles is vital in the fight against the virus. Also, it may help curb other diseases such as allergies and influenza.
Showing the customers and employees that you are putting efforts into the fight against the virus shows that you care about their wellbeing. This helps them gain trust in the facility, thus leading to long-term benefits such as returning clients. The productivity of the employees goes high since there is no continued risk of sick leaves.