Fundamentals of Midwest Needlepoint Bipolar Ionization

3 fundamentals of Midwest Needlepoint Bipolar Ionization

Midwest Needlepoint Bipolar Ionization works by producing both negative and positively charged ions into the air, destroying organic compounds and pathogens, and also assists in coalescing dust and mold particles to ease filtration from indoor spaces. While initially meant for hospitals, the Midwest Needlepoint Bipolar Ionization has found wide acceptance and usage within the industrial sector, especially in light of the Covid 19 outbreak.

Modes of Working

The Midwest Needlepoint Bipolar Ionization splits oxygen into bipolar oxygen ionsThere are two ways that Midwest Needlepoint Bipolar Ionization works. Using Corona Discharge and NPBI. Corona discharge involves the direct ionization of air using a pair of electoral conductors. This process was used in the first Ionization equipment and was prone to producing ozone which is harmful to humans in the process of ionizing the air.

The Midwest Needlepoint Bipolar Ionization method produces a high voltage electric field (plasma) created by a pair of negatively and positively charged electrodes to extract ions from existing molecules. NPBI efficiency is checked using gas chromatography to determine the number of ionized particles in a volume of air. The bipolar ions produced have a short life span, usually lasting 300 seconds before losing their charge. The Midwest Needlepoint Bipolar Ionization system uses the existing air conditioning systems to deliver the ions to office spaces.

First, getting the correct readings of ions in the air is challenging if the device is located within the duct works. In this scenario, they may be best suited to filter incoming air or prevent the escape of pathogens and harmful particles into the atmosphere. On the other hand, if mobile air filtration systems are used, which enable the device to be located within an office, then proper readings on ionization levels are likely to be achieved.

Action against pathogens

Midwest Needlepoint Bipolar Ionization can split water molecules into constituent positively charged Hydrogen Ions and negatively charged hydroxyl ions.Midwest Needlepoint Bipolar Ionization can split water molecules into constituent positively charged Hydrogen Ions and negatively charged hydroxyl ions. NPBI also splits oxygen into bipolar oxygen ions. The bipolar ions adhere to the surfaces of pathogens and damage them by combining with Hydrogen and Nitrogen atoms from the surface of the pathogens.

The result is that even pathogens not killed in the process no longer have the functional receptors to adhere to host cells, rendering them harmless. For viral infections, the impact of having hydrogen or nitrogen removed results in the deformation of their external binding structures. The deformation causes cellular integrity ruptures for bacteria, causing the cells’ immediate death. Volatile organic particles like compounds producing odors are also robbed of hydrogen atoms, neutralizing their odors.

Action against particles

Midwest Needlepoint Bipolar Ionization benefitsThe NPBI system acts the same against dust and mold in the air. The bipolar ions bind with particles in the air in an attempt to lose their charge. As this happens, the particles become charged and attract more molecules and solid particles within the airspace, causing them to merge and form larger particles. The larger particles are easily filtrated by existing air conditioning and filtration systems resulting in cleaner air with fewer solid particles.

These three concepts are the building blocks of NPBI technology. The application of such a system in commercial spaces holds much promise compared to traditional air filtration and sanitization measures. The key consideration should be the best location to place the NPBI technology to maximize the air filtration and cleaning effects. It is important to note some of the user challenges in determining the system’s effectiveness.

For commercial settings, using Midwest Needlepoint Bipolar Ionization technology is bound to reduce the costs and overheads of traditional air filtration systems. Despite the failure to produce 100% efficiency in real-world applications, the technology works well by complementing traditional HVAC systems and, with adequate research and proper installation, is bound to increase in efficiency.

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