York Part 064 14790 000
PLGR V 7/8 1 1/2 1 064 14790 000
Purchase York Part Number 064 14790 000 by calling us at 1-800-368-8385. Ships anywhere in the USA. We specialize in York Genuine Parts. Part Number 064 14790 000 is designed and engineered specifically for YORK equipment.
Note: For a more detailed and accurate description or image of 064 14790 000 PLGR we suggest that you contact us and our trained staff will be happy to answer any questions that you may have, including, availability, pricing, and shipping rates.
064 14790 000 PLGR
What is 064 14790 000?
An Explanation of 064 14790 000
The main component of HVAC systems is what is known as the expansion valve. Item 064 14790 000 is a PLGR valve bypass for oil applied in York systems. Valves of all types play an important role in producing air throughout HVAC units. The parts are components that may need replacement as a part of the climate control service. Valves are small parts within an HVAC unit but their role should not be diminished by their size.
064 14790 000 and PLGR components are placed inside of HVAC systems to facilitate the flow of fluids including refrigerant. In an HVAC unit, refrigerant is a chemical that expands and produces cool air. The chemical functions to gather and distribute heat while altering its state. The process by which refrigerant works is known as heat exchange.
There are some benefits to the process of exchange that 064 14790 000 and PLGR parts contribute as part of an air-conditioning. The system offers clear air that is free from toxins, dust, and other particles. Safe air is one of many different purposes that air-conditioning serves beyond providing a comfortable atmosphere.
The Importance of 064 14790 000
Valves and refrigerants are interdependent in the world of heating and cooling. Valves including expansion valves are important because they provide a method of control. Because HVAC units exert a great deal of pressure, it is necessary to harness the power to prevent damage to parts of the equipment. An HVAC unit cannot function properly without a suitable expansion valve system.
In the scope of the part of expansion valves, several different types may be found inside HVAC units. For example, a system may include a thermostatic expansion valve or an automatic expansion valve. In addition to other configurations, automatic and thermostatic builds are common. The valves may be an area of focus for service technicians if there is a reported issue with performance.
Control mechanisms must be in place to carefully operate and monitor an HVAC unit. Failure to care for even the smallest components in an air-conditioning unit may lead to a lack of efficient performance. Today, more than ever, business owners and plant managers are working hard to be efficient, save money and reduce their carbon footprint. Broken valves inhibit heat exchange and slow down the cooling process. Components that are not functioning properly reduce the efficiency of a piece of equipment while also subjecting additional parts to critical damage. The risk of costly damage in a commercial facility can truly impact a business negatively.
The best way to reduce problems with parts such as expansion valves is to have the components monitored regularly by an experienced service technician. HVAC technicians dealing with commercial and industrial units will be able to handle large jobs involving some of the smallest components. HVAC units depend on many different controls to fully operate. Working with a technician, however, is a worthwhile consideration especially knowing how large of an investment climate control is for facilities.
Note: For a more detailed and accurate description including the price of 064 14790 000 PLGR we suggest that you contact us and our trained staff will be happy to answer any questions that you may have. You may call us at 1-800-368-8385 or fill out this form with your question and we will get back to you as soon as possible:
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